Drug muggers : which medications are robbing your body of essential nutrients-- and natural ways to restore them

text Drug muggers : which medications are robbing your body of essential nutrients-- and natural ways to restore them


Prescription and over-the counter drugs help millions -- but can also deplete the body's natural stores of vitamins, minerals, and hormones. Not understanding the drug-mugging effect may lead to new "diseases" and possibly catastrophic health consequences.

Protect yourself from drug muggers. What is a drug mugger? And why should you care? ; When meals and medicine don't mix ; Lifestyle drug muggers ; The punch list of drug muggers -- Vital nutrients. Beta-carotene and Vitamin A ; Biotin ; Calcium ; ... Read more
xi, 371 p. ; 24 cm.
Rodale 2011

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Woodmere (Main Branch) 615.1 COH in Adult Non-fiction Available

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