You are requesting that your library account password be reset. After you submit this request, we will email you a link that you can use to set a new password for your account.
In order for this to be successful, you must provide either a valid library card number or a valid library username, and we must have a valid email address on file for your account.
On an island adjacent to the Bronx sits one of America's most notorious jail systems, known for much of the past century as a place of inmate-on-inmate cruelty. But violence has decreased by 90 percent at Rikers since 1999. This MSNBC documentary ...
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Rikers Island Prison System (3:41) -- Processing Procedure for Admitting a Criminal (3:16) -- Repeat Offenders (2:54) -- Violent Prisoners Within the Rikers System (2:39) -- Tactical Action Against Jail Gang Members (4:33) -- Violence Reduction at...
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