You are requesting that your library account password be reset. After you submit this request, we will email you a link that you can use to set a new password for your account.
In order for this to be successful, you must provide either a valid library card number or a valid library username, and we must have a valid email address on file for your account.
The 1930s brought to all Americans the explosion of mass media devoted to distributing photographic images. Magazines like Life and Look—dedicated to telling stories, primarily through photographs—were rapidly growing in popularity. An Associated ...
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Pictures Through a Wire (3:44) -- Hindenburg Images (2:04) -- Photography Shows Everything (1:34) -- Life Magazine: Picture Magic (4:25) -- Marion Chadwick Grows Up: Photo Essay (0:30) -- FSA: Picturing Hard Times (3:53) -- Gordon Parks on Ella Wa...
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