You are requesting that your library account password be reset. After you submit this request, we will email you a link that you can use to set a new password for your account.
In order for this to be successful, you must provide either a valid library card number or a valid library username, and we must have a valid email address on file for your account.
It's difficult to imagine a world without antibiotics and yet, before the twentieth century, there weren’t any. The discovery of the first antibiotic, penicillin, and the subsequent development of more “wonder drugs,” transformed the face of moder...
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Introduction: Rise of the Superbugs (2:38) -- Sponsors: Rise of the Superbugs (0:45) -- Stephen Fights Pneumonia (2:51) -- Bacteria: Our Deadliest Enemy (2:20) -- Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin (2:12) -- Building on Fleming's Discovery (2:...
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