The opposite of spoiled : raising kids who are grounded, generous, and smart about money

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text The opposite of spoiled : raising kids who are grounded, generous, and smart about money

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"Lieber covers all the basics: the best ways to handle the tooth fairy, allowance, chores, charity, savings, birthdays, holidays, cell phones, splurging, clothing, cars, part-time jobs, and college tuition. But he also identifies a set of traits a... Read more

Why we need to talk about money -- How to start the money conversations -- The allowance debates -- The smartest ways for kids to spend -- Are we raising materialistic kids? -- How to talk about giving -- Why kids should work -- The luckiest -- How much is enough?.

xii, 240 pages ; 24 cm
Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers 2015

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