To the promised land : Martin Luther King and the fight for economic justice

text To the promised land : Martin Luther King and the fight for economic justice

"Fifty years ago, a single bullet robbed us of one of the world's most eloquent voices for human rights and justice. [This book] goes beyond the iconic view of Martin Luther King Jr. as an advocate of racial harmony, to explore his profound commit... Read more
"We the disinherited of this land": kinship with the poor, 1929-1956 -- "We have a powerful instrument": civil rights unionism and the cold war, 1957-1963 -- "Northern ghettos are the prisons of forgotten men": labor and civil rights at the crossr... Read more
241 pages : illustrations ; 25 cm
W.W. Norton & Company 2018

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Woodmere (Main Branch) 323 HON in Adult Non-fiction Available

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