How schools work : an inside account of failure and success from one of the nation's longest-serving secretaries of education

text How schools work : an inside account of failure and success from one of the nation's longest-serving secretaries of education

Drawing on nearly three decades in education--from his mother's after-school program on Chicago's South Side to his tenure as Secretary of Education in DC--How Schools Work follows Arne (as he insists you call him) as he takes on challenges at eve... Read more
Lies, lies everywhere -- If we build it, they will come -- "The number is zero-point-two" -- The consortium -- "We need the carrot" -- One blue, one red -- Strange bedfellows -- Twenty-five pounds of apples and three pounds of cheese -- "We matter... Read more
243 pages ; 22 cm
Simon & Schuster 2018

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Woodmere (Main Branch) 379 DUN in Adult Non-fiction Available

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