The price you pay for college : an entirely new road map for the biggest financial decision your family will ever make

text The price you pay for college : an entirely new road map for the biggest financial decision your family will ever make


A guide to assist families with making critical decisions about what to pay for college discusses the complex financial aid system, how to determine good value, and setting financial goals while figuring out how to save, borrow, and bargain for a better deal.

Part I. The price and cost of college and the systems behind it -- Part II. The unhelpful feelings you may feel -- Part III. Value: things worth paying for -- Part IV. Money-saving hacks that will tempt you -- Part V. The plans: saving, talking, t... Read more
viii, 357 pages ; 24 cm
Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers 2021

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Peninsula Community Library 378.106 LIE in Adult Available
Woodmere (Main Branch) 378.106 LIE in Adult Non-fiction Available

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