text Unspoken magic
- Summary
In the magical town of Aldermere, eleven-year-old Fin and her friends find a baby bigfoot and try to reunite her with her pack, but their efforts are complicated by a film crew who have come to town to debunk strange occurrences and expose mythical creatures as frauds.
- Format
- text
- Description
- 309 pages : illustration ; 22 cm
- Publisher
- Greenwillow Books, An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers 2023
Library | Location | Status |
Woodmere (Main Branch) | J FIC LLO in Juvenile Fiction | Available |
Library | Location | Status |
TADL-WOOD | J FIC LLO in Juvenile Fiction | Available |
Available Copies
Library | Location | Status |
Woodmere (Main Branch) | J FIC LLO in Juvenile Fiction | Available |
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