Travelers to unimaginable lands: stories of dementia, the caregiver, and the human brain

text Travelers to unimaginable lands: stories of dementia, the caregiver, and the human brain

"These compelling case histories meld science and storytelling to illuminate the complex relationship between the mind of someone with dementia and the mind of the person caring for them. After getting a master's degree in clinical psychology, Da... Read more
Borges in the Bronx -- "The weak child" -- Dementia blindness -- Chekhov and the left-brain interpreter -- The insistent, persistent CEO -- When every day is Sunday -- My dinner with Stefan Zweig -- The mastermind -- Ah humanity -- When the right ... Read more
xxxii, 233 pages ; 22 cm
Random House 2023

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Library Location Status
Kingsley Branch Library 616.8 KIP in Adult Non-fiction Available
Woodmere (Main Branch) 616.8 KIP in Adult Non-fiction Available

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