Balson, Ronald H.
Summary: "The gripping tale about two boys, once as close as brothers, who find themselves on opposite sides of the Holocaust. Elliot Rosenzweig, a respected civic leader and wealthy philanthropist, is attending a fundraiser when he is suddenly accosted and accused of being a former Nazi SS officer named Otto Piatek, "the butcher of Zamosc." Although the charges are denounced as preposterous, his...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: St Martins Pr 2013
Copies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Adult, Call number: P BALBalson, Ronald H.
Summary: "A "fixer" in a Polish town during World War II, his betrayal of a Jewish family, and a search for justice 25 years later-by the winner of the National Jewish Book Award. Eli's Promise is a masterful work of historical fiction spanning three eras-Nazi-occupied Poland, the American Zone of post-war Germany, and Chicago at the height of the Vietnam War. Award-winning author Ronald H. Balson...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: St. Martin's Press 2020