Barnes, Ian
Summary: Explores the history of the native peoples of North America, from the early arrival of humans from Asia and their migration through the continent, the first and subsequently devastating contacts with European explorers and settlers, to the present day plight of the surviving tribes and their attempts to adapt to modern society.
Format: cartographic
Publisher / Publication Date: Chartwell Books 2010
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Place a hold to request this item.Barnes, Ian
Summary: This fascinating book explores the history of the native peoples of North America, from the early arrival of humans from Asia and their migration throughout the continent, the first and subsequently devastating contacts with European explorers and settlers, to the present day plight of the surviving tribes and their attempts to adapt to modern society. Particular emphasis is placed on the role...
Format: cartographic
Publisher / Publication Date: Chartwell Books, an imprint of Book Sales, a division of Quarto Publishing Group USA Inc 2015