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Higgins, KristanFilter By Subjects
Familles Romans, nouvelles, etc Femmes médecins Romans, nouvelles, etc large print books Large type books Livres en gros caractères Man-woman relationships Fiction Massachusetts Fiction Massachusetts Romans, nouvelles, etc Relations entre hommes et femmes Romans, nouvelles, etc Women physicians FictionFilter By Authors
Higgins, KristanHiggins, Kristan
Summary: "Lark Smith has always had a plan for her life: find a fantastic guy, create a marriage as blissful as her parents , pop out a couple of kids and build a rewarding career as an oncologist. Things aren't going so well. For one, the guy didn't work out. Theoretically, she'd love to find someone else, but it hasn't happened. Two, she's just been transferred out of oncology for being too emotional....
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Publisher / Publication Date: 2024