Wingate, Lisa
Summary: "Louisiana, 1875: In the tumultuous aftermath of Reconstruction, three young women set off as unwilling companions on a perilous quest: Lavinia, the pampered heir to a now-destitute plantation; Juneau Jane, her illegitimate free-born Creole half-sister; and Hannie, Lavinia's former slave. Each carries private wounds and powerful secrets as they head for Texas, following dangerous roads rife...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Random House Large Print 2020
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Large Print, Call number: LP FIC WINWingate, Lisa
Summary: A dramatic story of three young women on a journey in search of family amidst the destruction of the post-Civil War South, and of a modern-day teacher who rediscovers their story and its vital connection to her own students' lives. In her distinctive voice, Lisa Wingate brings to life startling stories from actual 'Lost Friends' advertisements that appeared in Southern newspapers after the...
Format: sound recording-nonmusical
Publisher / Publication Date: 2020
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Playaway, Call number: PA FIC WINWingate, Lisa
Summary: "Louisiana, 1875: In the tumultuous aftermath of Reconstruction, three young women set off as unwilling companions on a perilous quest: Lavinia, the pampered heir to a now-destitute plantation; Juneau Jane, her illegitimate free-born Creole half-sister; and Hannie, Lavinia's former slave. Each carries private wounds and powerful secrets as they head for Texas, following dangerous roads rife...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Ballantine Books 2020