Winn, Claire
Summary: Seventeen-year-old Asa flees her domineering father to prevent her sister's mind from being reprogrammed, but she must ally with a smuggler named Riven to outwit a bounty hunter, a criminal syndicate, and a monster lurking in the city's circuits.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2021
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Young Adult Fiction, Call number: YA FIC WINWinn, Claire
Summary: "It's been four months since runaway heiress Asa crash-landed on the matriarchal outlaw colony Requiem, bringing a nasty AI and a host of deadly secrets with her. Now, she runs with her almost-girlfriend Riven's smuggler crew, stealing kisses between gunfights and heists. But when a mysterious hacker sabotages their latest job, other gangs turn against them, blaming them for the destruction the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Flux 2023