Sims, Lesley
Summary: A lively story with irresistible illustrations, this book is a delight to share with very young children. It can also be enjoyed by children who are beginning to read for themselves. The simple rhyming text is a great way to develop essential language and early reading skills, and there are guidance notes for parents at the back of the book.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2013
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Summary: "The ants are feeling a bit chilly -- can Mouse help with her knitting skills? With simple rhyming text and phonic repetition specially designed to develop essential language and early reading skills"--Publisher's website.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: EDC Publishing 2013
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Beginning Readers - New Reader (Green), Call number: JBR Green Punter 2013Sims, Lesley
Summary: A lively story with irresistible illustrations, this book is a delight to share with very young children. It can also be enjoyed by children who are beginning to read for themselves. The simple rhyming text is a great way to develop essential language and early reading skills, and there are guidance notes for parents at the back of the book.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2013