
Erneaux, Annie

Summary: "In her spare, stark style, Annie Ernaux documents the desires and indignities of a human heart ensnared in an all-consuming passion. Blurring the line between fact and fiction, an unnamed narrator attempts to plot the emotional and physical course of her two-year relationship with a married foreigner where every word, event, and person either provides a connection with her beloved or is...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Seven Stories Press 2003

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1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC ERN

Hunter, Stephen

Summary: "In City of Meat, Charles Swagger is on the hunt for notorious bank robber Baby Face Nelson when he traces a tip to the Chicago stock yards. While there, he's brutally assaulted and discovers that the madman who attacked him is involved in a nearby narcotics ring with plans to spread its new drug to the residents of the disenfranchised 7th District of Chicago. Will Charles be able to stop the...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Center Point Large Print 2024

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Le Guin, Ursula K.

Summary: [This book] represents the first time that all of Le Guin novellas have been collected in a single volume. Featuring thirteen unforgettable stories, this literary treasure is easily one of the most anticipated collections of the year. In addition to more than 800 pages of extraordinary storytelling, [this book] also includes an introduction from the legendary author.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2016

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Schweblin, Samanta

Summary: El campo ha cambiado frente a nuestros ojos sin que nadie se diera cuenta. Y quizá no se trata solo de sequías y herbicidas, quizá se trate del hilo vital y filoso que nos ata a nuestros hijos, y del veneno que echamos sobre ellos. Nada es un cliché cuando finalmente sucede. "Distancia de rescate" sigue esta vertiginosa fatalidad haciéndose siempre las mismas preguntas: ¿hay acaso algún...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Literatura Random House 2015

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1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 468.4 FIC SCH

Galvan, Ana

Summary: "A science-fiction graphic novella grounded in a familiar experience for most: spending an afternoon with our best pals over a burger and fries. But this joint has something more special than a Happy Meal: the "Once Party" menu. The "Once Party" menu, for ages 11 and up, can only be ordered once (of course). But there's a catch: not everyone who does gets the special prize. Those who do, go to...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Fantagraphics Books 2021

Copies Available at East Bay

1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 741.5 GAL

Hazelwood, Ali

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Summary: "From the New York Times bestselling author of The Love Hypothesis comes a collection of steamy, STEMinist novellas and their loves in loathing-with a special bonus chapter! Under One Roof An environmental engineer discovers that scientists should never cohabitate when she finds herself stuck with the roommate from hell-a detestable big-oil lawyer who won't leave the thermostat alone. Stuck...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Berkley 2023

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Carlson, Melody

Summary: "Christmas should be celebrated with family, but for Vera Swanson, that's not an option this year. Widowed and recently relocated, she is lonely in her condo-for-one--until little Fiona Albright knocks on her door needing help. With her mother seriously ill and her father out of town Fiona enlists Vera's aid, and when she finds out her new neighbor is a quilter, she has special request--a...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Thorndike Press, a part of Gale, a Cengage Company 2022

Copies Available at Fife Lake

1 available in Large Print, Call number: LP FIC CAR

Goodkind, Terry

Summary: "Richard Rahl and Kahlan Amnell are fighting on all fronts. The Golden Goddess, Collector of Worlds, has infiltrated the People's Palace, able to insinuate herself into the minds of those without the gift of magic. Richard can trust no-one but the gifted. So, when Vika, one of his sworn Mord-Sith bodyguards is abducted, he has to get her back. His determination will lead him and Kahlan deep...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: 2019

Copies Available at Interlochen

1 available in Adult- Fantasy, Call number: Fantasy Goodkind

Vaughn, Carrie

Summary: "We will hold an archery contest. A simple affair, all in fun, on the tournament grounds. Tomorrow. We will see you there." The latest civil war in England has come and gone, King John is dead, and the nobility of England gathers to see the coronation of his son, thirteen year old King Henry III. The new king is at the center of political rivalries and power struggles, but John of...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Tom Doherty Associates 2020

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1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC VAU

Powers, Tim, 1952-

Summary: As this ingenious new novella, More Walls Broken, begins, a trio of academics have just entered a deserted California cemetery late at night, bringing with them a number of arcane devices aimed at achieving an equally arcane purpose. What follows is the sort of dizzying, mind-expanding entertainment that only the always reliable, always astonishing Tim Powers could have written. These three...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Subterranean Press 2019

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1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC POW

Sanderson, Brandon

Summary: In the near future, humans choose life--for a price. Injectable nanite technology is the lifeblood that flows through every individual wishing to experience the world through the lens of their own theme. While death from mortal wounds is still possible, life is made easier in a socially liberated society where automation and income equality allow passion pursuits to flourish over traditional...

Format: sound recording-nonmusical

Publisher / Publication Date: Recorded Books 2020

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Compact Disc Audio Book, Call number: CD FIC SAN

Castillo, Javier

Summary: "¿Quieres jugar? Nueva York, 2011. Una chica de quince años aparece crucificada en una iglesia en un suburbio a las afueras. Miren Triggs, periodista de investigación del Manhattan Press, recibe de manera inesperada un extraño sobre. En su interior, la polaroid de una chica amordazada y maniatada, con una sola anotación: 'Gina Pebbles, 2002.' Miren Triggs y Jim Schmoer, su antiguo profesor de...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Suma 2021

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Adult, Call number: 468 SPANISH CAS

Jackson, Holly

Summary: "Seis amigos, un viaje y un único objetivo: sobrevivir. En las vacaciones de primavera, seis amigos deciden hacer un viaje por carretera. Ellos, una casa rodante y kilómetros por delante. Este va a ser el viaje de sus vidas. Pero cuando su vehículo sufre una avería en medio de la nada, en una zona sin señal y alejada de cualquier lugar habitado, descubrirán que no fue algo fortuito. Alguien los...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Planeta

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1 available in Young Adult World, Call number: YA WORLD SPANISH FIC JAC

Bennett, Brit

Summary: Generación tras generación, la comunidad negra del pueblo de Mallard, en Luisiana, ha intentado aclarar el tono de su piel favoreciendo los matrimonios mixtos. Las inseparables gemelas Desirée y Stella Vignes, con su color níveo, sus ojos castaños y su cabello ondulado, son un buen ejemplo de ello. Tan distintas y tan iguales, decidieron huir juntas del diminuto pueblo creyendo que también...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Literatura Random House 2021

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Adult, Call number: 468 SPANISH BEN

Engle, Margarita

Summary: "Los seres alados han de ser libres. Y también lo han de ser los artistas, pero el gobierno cubano ha criminalizado cualquier arte que no tenga su aprobación. Soleida y sus padres protestan contra esta injusticia con su jardín secreto de esculturas de aves encadenadas. Luego, un huracán derriba las paredes y deja al descubierto el arte ilegal, y sus padres son arrestados...Soleida huye sola a...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Atheneum Books for Young Readers 2023

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1 available in Young Adult World, Call number: YA WORLD SPANISH FIC ENG

Slaughter, Karin

Summary: Una chica con un secreto ... Long Beach, 1982. Emily Vaughn se alista para su baile de graduación. Para una atleta que además es inteligente, bella y apreciada, esta noche debería ser lo más memorable de su paso por la secundaria. Pero Emily guarda un secreto. Y al final de la velada, alguien la silenciará para siempre. Un homicidio sin resolver ... Cuarenta años después, el asesinato de Emily...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: HarperCollins Español 2023

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Adult, Call number: 468 SPANISH SLA

Neuman, Andrés

Summary: "Un viajero enigmático. Una ciudad en forma de laberinto de la que parece imposible salir. Cuando el viajero está a punto de marcharse, un insólito personaje lo detiene, cambiando para siempre su destino. Lo demás será amor y literatura: un amor memorable, que agitará por igual camas y libros; y un mundo imaginario que condensará, a pequeña escala, los conflictos de la Europa moderna."--

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Debolsillo 2016

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1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 468.4 FIC NEU

Herrera, Yuri

Summary: "Este libro imagina una hipótesis: ¿qué sucedió durante el año y medio en que Benito Juárez, quien acabaría siendo el primer presidente indígena de México, vivió desterrado en Nueva Orleans? Es en ese «hueco marcado por el punto y aparte» en la autobiografía de Juárez donde comienza la narración. Acompañado por un pequeño grupo de exiliados políticos, Juárez desembarca en 1853 en esa ciudad...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Periférica

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1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 468.4 FIC HER

Sánchez, Erika L.

Summary: "Julia no es la hija mexicana perfecta. Ese era el rol de su hermana Olga. Olga no fue a la universidad, se quedó en casa para cuidar a sus padres, limpiar la casa y trabajar a medio tiempo. Julia tiene grandes sueños y no quiere formar parte del camino de su hermana mayor. Pero un solo error, que ocurre mientras enviaba un mensaje de texto al mismo tiempo que cruzaba la calle más concurrida de...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Vintage Español 2018

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Foreign Language, Call number: 468 SPANISH SAN

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1 available in Young Adult World, Call number: YA FOREIGN SPANISH SAN

Jimenez, Claire

Summary: "Las Ramírez de Stanten Islan orbitan alrededor de la ausencia. Cuando Ruthy, a los trece años, desapareció sin dejar rastro después de un entrenamiento de atletismo, su familia quedó marcada y deshecha. Una noche, doce años después, Jessica, la hermana mayor, ve en la pantalla de su televisión a una mujer que aparece en Catfight, un reality show subido de tono. Se apresura a decírselo a Nina,...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Grand Central Publishing

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1 available in Adult Non-fiction, Call number: 468.4 FIC JIM

Itō, Junji

Summary: "A vengeful family hides an army deserter for eight years after the end of World War II, cocooning him in a false reality where the war never ended. A pair of girls look alike, but they're not twins. And a boy's nightmare threatens to spill out into the real world...A vengeful family hides an army deserter for eight years after the end of World War II, cocooning him in a false reality where the...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: VIZ Media, LLC 2021

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Quintana, Pilar

Summary: Una novela sobre el fin de la infancia y sus fantasmas. Claudia vive con sus padres en un apartamento invadido por plantas que se estiran para tocarla. Como todas las familias, la suya contiene una crisis, y solo hará falta que algo o alguien llegue a detonarla. Cada quien tiene un punto de quiebre en la infancia, y Claudia, la protagonista de esta historia, narra, desde la expectación y la...

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Alfaguara 2021

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Foreign Language, Call number: 468 SPANISH QUI

Deveney, Jean-Christophe

Summary: The Second Bakery Attack: A newlywed couple lie in bed, hungry. The man tells his wife about when he and a friend robbed a bakery and stole bread to feed themselves for two days. On hearing this story, the woman suggests they try the same thing again.

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Tuttle Publishing, an imprint of Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: 741.5 DEV

Hillert, Margaret

Summary: "An easy to read fairy tale about Three Little Pigs and how they work together. Spanish only text, includes Spanish word list"--

Format: text

Publisher / Publication Date: Norwood House Press 2018

Copies Available at Woodmere

2 available in Juvenile World Languages, Call number: JBR PURPLE SPANISH HIL

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