Sakakibara, Mizuki
Summary: "Superpowered humans known as NEXT appeared in the world 45 years ago. Some of them fight crime in the city of Stern Bild while promoting their corporate sponsors on the hit show Hero TV. The people love their superheroes, even if they don't completely understand them, and not all of the NEXT use their powers for good. Veteran hero Wild Tiger has years of experience fighting crime, but his...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: VIZ Media 2013
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: 741.5 TIGSakakibara, Mizuki
Summary: Superpowered humans known as NEXT appeared in the world 45 years ago. Some of them fight crime in the city of Stern Bild while promoting their corporate sponsors on the hit show HERO TV. The people love their superheroes, even if they don't completely understand them, and not all of the NEXT use their powers for good. At Justice Tower, Tiger, Barnaby and Rock Bison confront Jake, but they're no...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: VIZ Media 2015
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: 741.5 TIGSakakibara, Mizuki.
Summary: The NEXT supremacist Jake Martinez has declared that all NEXT should join him in ruling over humanity! After issuing his call to rebellion, he heads for Justice Tower intending to seize it and establish his rule. The heroes find themselves scrambling to confront him as other old enemies appear, and Barnaby, faced at last with the man who murdered his parents, can no longer hold himself back.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: VIZ Media 2015
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Graphic Novels, Call number: 741.5 TIGContents: Disc 1, Films 1-3. Zatōichi monogatari = Tale of Zatoichi (1962 ; 96 min.) / a Daiei Co. Ltd. production ; produced by Ikuo Kubodera ; screenplay by Minoru Inuzuka ; directed by Kenji Misumi -- Zoku Zatōichi monogatari = Tale of Zatoichi continues (1962 ; 72 min.) / a Daiei Co. Ltd. production ; produced by Ikuo Kubodera ; screenplay by Minoru Inuzuka ; directed by Kazuo Mori -- Shin Zatōichi...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016