Love, Melissa Scrivner
Summary: "An astonishing debut crime thriller about an unforgettable woman who combines the genius and ferocity of Lisbeth Salander with the ruthless ambition of Walter White. The Crenshaw Six are a small but up-and-coming gang in South Central LA who have recently been drawn into an escalating war between rival drug cartels. To outsiders, the Crenshaw Six appear to be led by a man named Garcia. but...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Crown 2017
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC LOVAnthony, David
Summary: The heroes' baseball team, the Traverse City Salmon, are playing the Garden City Sprouts in the little league championship game. The Sprouts throw a curve ball and turn into pinch-hitting plant monsters.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Sigil Pub. 2009
Copies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Juvenile, Call number: J FIC ANTCopies Available at East Bay
1 available in Beginning Readers - Independent Reader (Red), Call number: JBR RED ANTWeidemann, Erin
Summary: "The adventures continue in this fun new collection from Bible Belles. With the help of the angel Mari, Rooney has learned she has five real superpowers: prayer, patience, bravery, loyalty, and leadership. Rooney has also learned that she has a powerful voice. And when her role in the new school play takes a few unexpected turns she finds out the truth about her voice, and the important message...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Truth Becomes Her 2020