Summary: In the small Texas town of Rio Bravo, law and order is maintained by three unlikely enforcers: hard-boiled sheriff Chance; former quick draw artist Dude, now gone drunk and disheveled; and the crippled, wisecracking Stumpy, who patrols the jail with a shotgun. The arrest and incarceration of Joe Burdette for murder has set these three at odds with his brother, corrupt and wealthy landowner...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Warner Bros. Pictures 2007
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Western DVDs, Call number: DVD WESTERN RIOSummary: A small town sheriff's department has to deal with an outbreak of murderous, infected people called "sickos." Cherry Darling meets up again with her old lover, El Wray, just as their Texas town is being overrun by "sickos" with festering sores turning them into zombies. Cherry has El Wray's jacket, which she took with her when she left and he keeps trying to explain how he looked for it for two...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2007
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Horror DVDs, Call number: DVD HORROR PLASummary: Llewelyn Moss is a Vietnam vet who could use a break. One morning while hunting antelope, he spies several trucks surrounded by dead bodies. He decides to examine the site. He finds a case filled with $2 million and a truck loaded with heroin. Moss takes it with him, tells his wife he's going away for awhile, and hits the road until he can determine his next move. On his the way from El Paso to...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Miramax Home Entertainment 2008
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD MOVIE NOCopies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD NO RATED RCopies Available at Fife Lake
1 available in Browsing Hot DVDs, Call number: DVD NOCCopies Available at Woodmere
2 available in Thriller DVDs, Call number: DVD THRILLER NOSummary: Rio bravo : On one side is an army of gunmen dead-set on springing a murderous cohort from jail. On the other is Sheriff John T. Chance and his two deputies: one a recovering drunkard, the other a crippled codger. Also in their ragtag ranks are an unseasoned, trigger-happy youth and a woman with a past-- and her eye on Chance.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2013