Summary: It is a harrowing tale of perseverance and survival that unfolds during the great copper rush of 1845, when newlyweds Angelique, a young Ojibway, and Charlie, her voyageur husband, are left stranded throughout a brutal winter on Lake Superior's Isle Royale where Angelique is ultimately forced to face her inner demons and beliefs as the unbelievably beautiful, yet treacherous wilderness...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2021
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: The spectacular but unforgiving terrain of 1927 Vermont sets the stage for this collision between high-stakes progress and a frontier way of life. Legendary Yankee log-driver, Noel Lord defies power company boss, Clayton Farnsworth who orders Lord and his feisty American Indian mate off their soon-to-be flooded land. Farnsworth never met a man he couldn't buy ... but then, he'd never met Noel...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Ardustry Home Entertainment 2003