Summary: Happy feet: Emperor Penguins from Antarctica each express their true love with a special heartsong of their own that expresses their very being. However, the misfit Mumble cannot sing. Instead he has an extraordinary talent to tap dance with almost magical energy and expression. Nevertheless, the leadership of the colony fearfully blames the young penguin's unorthodox ways for the lean fishing...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Warner Home Video 2013
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Click, clack, moo: A bunch of literate cows go on strike after Farmer Brown refuses to give in to their typed demands of electric blankets when the barn gets too cold. The day Jimmy's boa ate the wash: Jimmy's boa constrictor wreaks havoc on the class trip to a farm. The Pigs' wedding: all the pigs must get cleaned up for the big wedding. Hendrika, a Dutch cow, wants to visit the city. Charlie...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2002