
Summary: When teenage Priscilla Beaulieu meets Elvis Presley at a party, the man who is already a meteoric rock-and-roll superstar becomes someone entirely unexpected in private moments: a thrilling crush, an ally in loneliness, a gentle best friend. Through Priscilla's eyes, Sofia Coppola tells the unseen side of a great American myth in Elvis and Priscilla's long courtship and turbulent marriage, from...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2011

Copies Available at Woodmere

2 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD + BLU-RAY DRAMA PRI

Summary: Biographical drama of Buddy Holly, the 1950's rock musician from Lubbock, Texas, who changed rock'n'roll history.

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: Columbia Tristar Home Video 2004

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD DRAMA BUD

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