Summary: It's a Christmas Eve adventure to the North Pole when the Wonder Pets set out to rescue Santa's lost baby reindeer. The Wonder Pets fly to a child's bedroom to help a pet Goldfish, and then to Canada to help three Baby Birds. The Wonder Pets help a lost Baby Camel find his way back to the desert oasis, and then fly to a picnic to stop a fight between two groups of ants. Who's inside the egg...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Paramount Home Entertainment 2007
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Sight and Sound Holiday Display, Call number: DVD JUV WONSummary: The Wonder Pets head to India to save a Bengal Tiger who's got a thorn stuck in her paw. Then, travel to Costa Rica for a play date with a Baby Gecko who can't seem to stay out of trouble and help the heroes save a mystery animal. Next, fish out a little Ladybug trapped inside a Venus flytrap and head off to Japan to help a Baby Sea Turtle find a path to the ocean. Last, A gaggle of Goslings...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Paramount Pictures 2008