Summary: The Bannister family's new addition, Zeus, a former K-9 police hero, appears to be less than the dependable guard dog the family needs. However, when two burglars set out to break into the Bannister's home while they're away for Christmas, Zeus seizes the chance to be a hero, proving every dog - even this one - has his day.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Anchor Bay Entertainment 2009
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Family DVDs, Call number: DVD Family DogSummary: Ernest Terry, like most boys his age, is obsessing over George Lucas's Star Wars saga. In the woods outside Ernest's neighborhood, capture-the-flag contests escalate into sprawling Jedi battles, with bright yellow Wiffle ball bats substituting for lightsabers. But when a bully snaps Ernest's already-damaged 'weapon' in half, our hero and his friends accept a mission: Follow a nearby stream to...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2014