Summary: Discworld is a magical realm quite unlike, yet hauntingly familiar to, Earth, and it finally has it's first tourist. Rincewind is an inept ex-student wizard who is given the task of guiding Twoflower through the city-state of Ankh Morpork. But unfortunately Rincewind has two problems. First, he is an expert coward and he doesn't feel that he is the best person to guard a naive, and extremely...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: RHI Entertainment 2009
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in British Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD BRITISH TV COLSummary: After being dumped by his girlfriend, Peter knows that he is a man stuck in a dead end life. He decides to audition for a small role in a local community theatre's production of Cyrano de Bergerac. Despite having no experience as an actor, he lands the lead role, which then proceeds to wreak havoc upon his life.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: MGM Home Entertainment 2005
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Comedy DVDs, Call number: DVD COMEDY BIGSummary: When Mordecai, a Holocaust survivor, is given a new iPhone, an unexpected series of events upends his world. A heartwarming Miami-set comedy based on a true story.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023
Copies Available at Woodmere
2 available in Comedy DVDs, Call number: DVD COMEDY IMOSummary: All Allyson and her friends want is a peaceful, grown-up evening of dinner and conversation, a long-needed moms' night out. But in order to enjoy high heels, adult conversation, and food not served in a paper bag, they need their husbands to watch the kids for three hours - what could go wrong?
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2014