Summary: Imprisoned vampire Barnabas Collins is inadvertently freed from his tomb and emerges into the very changed world of 1972. He returns to Collinwood Manor to find that his once-grand estate has fallen into ruin. The dysfunctional remnants of the Collins family have fared little better and are in need of his protection.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Warner Bros. Entertainment 2012
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD Movie Dark 2012Summary: 1970s, Flint, Michigan. Jackie Moon is a former pop sensation who somehow made enough money from a couple of hit records to buy Flint's semi-pro basketball team, the Tropics. The team consists of a bunch of disorganized losers with one genuine talent named Coffee Black. Despite knowing little about the game, Jackie is the Tropics' coach as well as a player. His greater love involves coming up...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: New Line Home Entertainment 2008
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Comedy DVDs, Call number: DVD COMEDY SEMSummary: Imprisoned vampire, Barnabas Collins is inadvertently freed from his tomb and emerges into the very changed world of 1972. He returns to Collinwood Manor to find that his once-grand estate has fallen into ruin. The dysfunctional remnants of the Collins family have fared little better and are in need of his protection.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Warner Home Video 2012
Copies Available at Fife Lake
1 available in Video Discs, Call number: DVD DARCopies Available at East Bay
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD MOVIE DARSummary: The Academy Award winning comedy about an idealistic young man and his friends and their pursuit to find jobs and a purpose to life in their hometown of Bloomington, Indiana.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2001
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD DRAMA BRESummary: Caught up in a criminal enterprise, Ashley and her young daughter turn to her estranged father, Matt, for help. Retired and living a beach bum's life in The Caymans, her dad's secret past is revealed as the Mob tracks them down on the island.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023