Summary: "In this chilling adaptation of the best-selling novel by Thomas Harris, the astonishingly versatile director Jonathan Demme crafted a taut psychological thriller about an American obsession: serial murder. As Clarice Sterling, an FBI trainee who enlists the help of the infamous Hannibal "the Cannibal" Lecter to gain insight into the mind of another killer, Jodie Foster subverts classic gender...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2018
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Thriller DVDs, Call number: BLU-RAY THRILLER SILSummary: In this sequel to Chinatown, it is 1948 Los Angeles and private investigator Jake Gittes must solve a case of suspected adultery-turned-murder that's tied to a grab for oil and to Jake's own past.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Paramount DVD 2007