Summary: A three-part British police drama tells the true story of scientist Alec Jeffrey's discovery of DNA fingerprinting in the 1980s and its introductory use by Detective Chief Superintendent David Baker in catching a double murderer.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2017
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in British Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD BRITISH TV CODSummary: Three years have passed since the Leman Street locomotive disaster, when DI Edmund Reid is forced to return to Whitechapel to help clear his former associate's name. Once again Reid finds himself, along with DS Drake, plunged into a criminal underworld that threatens to overtake London's East End on the eve of Queen Victoria's diamond jubilee celebration.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in British Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD BRITISH TV RIPSummary: The final season finds its end during the cold winter of 1901, taking the heroes to a place where a dark secret they all share emerges to destroy the lives they've built.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2017