Summary: The Wainthropp Detective Agency builds on earlier successes as Hetty, her husband Robert, and teenager Geoffrey grow in expertise and confidence. In these six further adventures, they come face-to-face with murderers, saboteurs, and charlatans of all types, while never shrinking from danger or losing their moxie.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: [publisher not identified] 2013
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in British Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD BRITISH TV HETSummary: A devout Catholic priest freelances as a private investigator in rural England during the 1920s. When it comes to amateur detective work, don't let this priest's absent-minded air and penchant for an occasionsl tipple fool you. His kindly eyes pick up clues that professionals usually miss, and his keen understanding of human nature lets him search men's souls for motives.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Acorn Media [distributor] 2007
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: Life as a private detective begins at 60 for this sprightly Lancashire housewife. Instead of winding down as her husband, Robert, expects, she₂s just getting started. Hetty takes a job to make ends meet and accidentally discovers her natural gift for sleuthing. In these first six episodes, she finds an eager sidekick in destitute teenager Geoffrey and puts her sensible pumps to the pavement in...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: [Publisher not identified] 2014
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in British Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD BRITISH TV HETSummary: Romance and intrigue at a London auction house. Written by John Mortimer (Rumpole of the Bailey), this 1990s British drama tells the story of art experts who share a passion for the treasures they put under the hammer.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Distributed by Acorn Media 2011
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in British Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD BRITISH TV UNDSummary: Heaven help the murderer who crosses paths with G.K. Chesterton's cassocked crime-solver, Father Brown. Despite his absentminded air, the kindly priest always manages to confound criminals with his inescapable logic and keen understanding of the human condition. Often joined by his friend, thief turned private investigator Hercule Flambeau, Father Brown unravels devious schemes in 1920s England.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Acorn Media 2014
Copies Available at Fife Lake
1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD FATSummary: Life as a private detective begins at 60 for this sprightly Lancashire housewife. Instead of winding down as her husband, Robert, expects, she's just getting started. Hetty takes a job to make ends meet and accidentally discovers her natural gift for sleuthing. In these first six episodes, she finds an eager sidekick in destitute teenager Geoffrey and puts her sensible pumps to the pavement in...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: [Publisher not identified] 2014