Summary: When Lucy and Edmund Pensive, along with their cousin Eustace, are swallowed into a painting and transported back to Narnia, they join King Caspian and a noble mouse named Reepicheep aboard the magnificent ship The Dawn Treader. The courageous voyagers travel to mysterious islands, confront mystical creatures, and reunite with the Great Lion Aslan and a mission that will determine the fate of...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2011
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Place a hold to request this item.Summary: When T.S. is dumped by his girlfriend, he retreats to the mall with his comic book-loving best friend Brodie, whose girlfriend has also left him. Between brooding and visits to the food court, the unmotivated suburban New Jersey teenagers decide to win their girlfriends back with the help of Silent Bob and Jay, the ultimate delinquents, as they scheme to disrupt T.S.'s girlfriend's father's...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 1999