
Summary: Follows the life of a Scottish farm girl, Chris, as she searches for her independence against the odds, in an epic rite of passage story set just before the First World War. The war and the struggles Chris endures test her resolve for love and her idyllic country farm life.

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2016

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD DRAMA SUN

Summary: In 1880 London, a young doctor who sets out to find a medical cure for "hysteria" in women invents the electro-mechanical vibrator.

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2012

Copies Available at Fife Lake

1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD MOVIE HYS

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in TC Film Fest DVDs, Call number: DVD TCFF HYS

Summary: JCVD is an out of luck actor. He's out of money, his agent can't find him a decent production, and a judge is inclined to give his ex-wife custody of his daughter. He returns to his childhood home of Brussels. When he goes into a post office to receive a wire transfer, he finds himself in the middle of a hostage situation. Due to an unfortunate mistake, the police believe JCVD is responsible...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: Distributed by Peace Arch Home Entertainment 2009

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Foreign DVDs, Call number: DVD FOREIGN JCV

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