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Animated television programs United States Family Drama Family on television Family United States Drama Simpson, Bart (Fictitious character) Drama Simpson, Homer (Fictitious character) Drama Simpsons (Fictitious characters) Drama Springfield (Imaginary place) Drama Television comedies United States Television programs United StatesFilter By Subjects
Animated television programs United States Family Drama Family on television Family United States Drama Simpson, Bart (Fictitious character) Drama Simpson, Homer (Fictitious character) Drama Simpsons (Fictitious characters) Drama Springfield (Imaginary place) Drama Television comedies United States Television programs United StatesContents: Bart gets and F -- Simpson and Delilah -- Treehouse of horror -- Two cars in every garage and three eyes on every fish -- Dancin' Homer -- Dead putting society -- Bart vs. Thanksgiving -- Bart the daredevil -- Itchy & Scratchy & Marge -- Bart gets hit by a car -- One fish, two fish, blowfish, blue fish -- The way we was -- Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th commandment -- Principal Charming -- Oh...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2002
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV SIMSummary: Marge and Homer make whoopee while Bart and Lisa attend summer camp. Lisa is crowned Little Miss Springfield. Marge puts her charm and smarts to work in the power plant and when Mr. Burns notices, it leads to a cozy dinner for two. Homer becomes the power plant's union negotiator and tries to bargain away the dental plan for beer.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment 2004
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV SIMContents: Disc 1: Stark raving dad; Mr. Lisa goes Washington; When Flanders failed; Bart the murderer; Homer defined; Like father, like clown -- Disc 2: Treehouse of horror II; Lisa's pony; Saturdays of thunder; Flaming Moe's; Burns Verkaufen de Kraftwerk; I married Marge; Radio Bart; Lisa the Greek; Disc 3: Homer alone; Bart the lover; Homer at the bat; Separate vocations -- Disc 4: Dog of death;...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2003