Summary: Thomas, a young German baker, has an affair with Oren, a married Israeli man. After Oren unexpectedly dies in a car crash, Thomas travels to Jerusalem seeking answers about his death. Under a fake identity, Thomas enters the life of Anat, his lover's newly widowed wife. There, he begins to work for Anat, baking pastries that bring her cafe to vibrant life. Thomas becomes deeply involved in her...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Strand Releasing Home Video 2018
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Foreign DVDs, Call number: DVD FOREIGN CAKSummary: Cook Eugenie and her boss Dodin have grown fond of one another for over 20 years, and their romance gives rise to dishes that impress even the world's most illustrious chefs. When Dodin is faced with Eugenie's reluctance to commit, he begins to cook for her.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024