Summary: The extraordinary story of Amy Winehouse's early rise to fame from her early days in Camden through the making of her groundbreaking album, Back to Black that catapulted Winehouse to global fame. Told through Amy's eyes and inspired by her deeply personal lyrics, the film explores and embraces the many layers of the iconic artist and the tumultuous love story at the center of one of the most...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2024
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD MOVIE BACCopies Available at Woodmere
2 available in Browsing Hot DVDs, Call number: HOT DVDSummary: Queen of France at sixteen, widowed at eighteen, Mary Stuart defies pressure to remarry and instead returns to her native Scotland to reclaim her rightful throne. By birth, she also has a rival claim to the throne of Elizabeth I, who rules as the Queen of England. Mary asserts her claim to the English throne, threatening Elizabeth's sovereignty. Betrayal, rebellion, and conspiracies within each...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Universal Pictures Home Entertainment 2019
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Drama DVDs, Call number: DVD DRAMA MARCopies Available at East Bay
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD MOVIE MARSummary: Johanna Morrigan is a bright, quirky, sixteen-year-old who uses her colorful imagination to regularly escape her humdrum life in Wolverhampton and live out her creative fantasies. Desperate to break free from the overcrowded flat she shares with her four brothers and eccentric parents, she submits an earnestly penned and off-beat music review to a group of self-important indie rock critics at a...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: IFC Films 2020