Summary: Arthur is just an ordinary guy by day, who turns into Defendor, a self-made superhero, by night. His quest is to track down his archenemy, Captain Industry, the person he believes is responsible for killing his mother. But before he can do this, he must convince a court-appointed psychiatrist that he is sane enough to be on the streets, and befriending a teenaged prostitute doesn't help.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Sony Pictures Home Entertainment 2010
Copies Available at Fife Lake
1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD DEFSummary: Caught up in a criminal enterprise, Ashley and her young daughter turn to her estranged father, Matt, for help. Retired and living a beach bum's life in The Caymans, her dad's secret past is revealed as the Mob tracks them down on the island.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023