Summary: Evan is a young American fleeing to Europe to escape his past. While back-packing along the Italian coast, everything changes during a stop at an idyllic Italian village, where he meets and instantly connects with the enchanting and mysterious Louise. A flirtatious romance begins to bloom between the two; however, Evan soon realizes that Louise has been harboring a monstrous, primordial secret...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2015
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Horror DVDs, Call number: DVD HORROR SPRSummary: In this thrilling coming-of-age adventure, a troubled teen must face the dangers of the Alaskan wild, as well as her own past, in order to find her way home. Sent to stay with her uncle in Alaska while her mother is in treatment, fourteen-year-old Mackenzie is forced to flee as her uncle's attention turns threatening.
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2016