
Summary: The series follows four people, Eve Baird (Rebecca Romijn), who is chosen by The Library to be a new Guardian, as well as Ezekiel, Cassandra and Jacob, who were asked to apply to the Library to become The Librarian, but weren't chosen in favour of Flynn Carsen (Noah Wyle). While Flynn is searching for the Library (which is lost in time and space during the pilot), the four become a new team of...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: Distributed by Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment 2017

Copies Available at Fife Lake

1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD LIB

Summary: In Treatment season three continues to center around Dr. Paul Weston who continues to cope with the after-effects of his recent divorce, as well as his move to Brooklyn to continue his practice. In the midst of new emotional and physical challenges (including hand tremors he fears might be the onset of Parkinson's Disease, which killed his father), Paul will be treating three new patients, and...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2011

Copies Available at Peninsula

1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD IN RATED R

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV IN

Summary: Set within the highly charged confines of individual psychotherapy sessions, the series once again centers around Dr. Paul Weston, who recently divorced his wife Kate and moved from Maryland to a brownstone in Brooklyn, New York. Rebuilding his practice while wrestling with some of the demons he left behind, including a lawsuit filed by the father of Alex, a patient who died last year, Paul...

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2010

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Television Series DVDs, Call number: DVD TV IN

Summary: Series revolving around Rachel, Monica, Phoebe, Joey, Chandler and Ross--six friends living in New York City.

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: Warner Home Video 2006

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