Dadey, Debbie
Summary: "Shelly, Echo, Kiki, and Pearl are spending their school vacation at Neptune's castle! Shelly's aunt, Queen Edwina, has invited the girls to stay for a whole week, and while they're there the girls can't wait to visit the Royal Orca Museum, see the Palace Library, ride seahorses, and maybe even attend a royal ball. Shelly is nervous about meeting her royal family, especially since she's never...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Spotlight 2019
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Juvenile- Series, Call number: J Fiction Series Dadey 2019Richards, Kitty
Summary: When a palace messenger brings word that Cinderella's new grandmother-in-law is coming to visit, everyone in the castle scrambles to prepare for her arrival. Cinderella wants everything to be perfect for her first royal guest! As a special surprise, Cinderella decides to wear the beautiful tiara that Grandmama sent as a wedding gift. But when Cinderella goes to the royal vault, she discovers...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Spotlight 2014
Copies Available at Interlochen
1 available in Juvenile- Series, Call number: J Fiction Series Richards 2014Oseman, Alice
Summary: "Un chico conoce a otro. Los chicos se vuelven amigos. Y luego se enamoran."--Provided by publisher
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: VR Editoras 2019