Summary: Explores the lesser-known tale of George's creators, Hans and Margret Rey. Years later, having heard that Hans was wasting his artistic talents as a bookkeeper in Rio, Margaret traveled to Brazil to persuade him to marry her and do something creative together. Arriving in New York as refugees, they started their life anew and over the next three decades, they created a classic that continues to...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: 2017
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Documentary DVDs, Call number: DVD DOC MONSummary: Ted, the explorer with a large yellow hat, is good friends with Bloomsberry. Bloomsberry runs a natural history museum. His greedy son, Bloomsberry Junior, wants to tear down his dad's museum and put a parking garage in its place, but the elder Bloomsberry is convinced that a spectacular new exhibit could save the museum from the wrecking ball. Ted heads to Africa on an expedition to find some...
Format: moving image
Publisher / Publication Date: Universal Pictures 2006