Kondo, Robert
Summary: Life in Sunrise Valley is tranquil, but beyond its borders lies certain death. A dangerous black fog looms outside the village, but its inhabitants are kept safe by an ingenious machine known as the dam. Pig's father built the dam and taught him how to maintain it. And then this brilliant inventor did the unthinkable: he walked into the fog and was never seen again. Now Pig is the dam keeper....
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: First Second, an imprint of Roaring Brook Press 2017
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Juvenile Graphic Novels, Call number: J 741.5 KONViva, Frank
Summary: During the course of a day spent with Grampa, Owen learns silly dances to fight the urge to pee.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: 2023
Copies Available at East Bay
1 available in Juvenile Graphic Novels, Call number: J 741.5 VIVPizzoli, Greg
Summary: "Ideal for independent readers, this full-color graphic novel introduces children to an inquisitive pig named Baloney and his friends Bizz the bee, Peanut the horse, and Krabbit the grouchy rabbit."
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Grupo Anaya 2020
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Juvenile World Languages, Call number: J SPANISH 741.5 PIZPilkey, Dav
Summary: Dog Man is still learning a few tricks of the trade. Petey the cat is out of the bag, and his criminal curiosity is taking the city by storm. Something fishy is going on! Can Dog Man unleash justice on this ruffian in time to save the city, or will Petey get away with the purr-fect crime?
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Graphix, un sello editorial de Scholastic 2018
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Juvenile World Languages, Call number: J SPANISH 741.5 PILYoung, Jessica (Jessica E.)
Summary: Tank is a clumsy, outgoing Great Dane, and Haggis is a bored, curmudgeonly Scottie--so one afternoon Tank suggests they turn the wagon in the backyard into a ship and play pirate.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Branches/Scholastic Inc. 2015