Handler, Jessica
Summary: In rural north Georgia two decades after the Civil War, thirteen-year-old Lulu Hurst reaches high into her father's bookshelf and pulls out an obscure book, The Truth of Mesmeric Influence. Deemed gangly and undesirable, Lulu wants more than a lifetime of caring for her disabled baby brother, Leo, with whom she shares a profound and supernatural mental connection. Lulu begins to "captivate" her...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Hub City Press 2019
Copies Available at Woodmere
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC HANDeen, Natasha
Summary: In 1935, dust storms are sweeping across the southern plains of the United States, including Oklahoma. Twelve-year-old Millie is worried about her family's survival. The Dust Bowl is getting worse, and they're running out of food and money. Despite the hardships, Pa doesn't want to abandon the farm, which has been in the family for generations. But when the worst "black blizzard" yet hists,...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Stone Arch Books, a Capstone imprint 2023