Zombie, Zack
Summary: A twelve-year-old Minecraft zombie and Steve accidentally switch bodies and must pretend to be each other until they figure out what happened.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Zack Zombie Pub. 2015
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Summary: A twelve-year-old Minecraft zombie goes on a spring break "scarecation" with his school friends.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Zack Zombie Pub. 2015
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Summary: "There's a new kid at Zombie's middle school and everyone thinks he is so cool. But the more Zombie hangs out with him, the more trouble he gets into. Not only that, but Zombie's friend's are noticing that Zombie is changing...a lot! Zombie is dressing different, acting different, even smelling different. Even Steve, Zombie's best friend is worried. Is this new Mob kid as cool as everyone...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Zack Zombie Pub. LLC 2016
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Summary: Zombie and Steve love the Pirate Ship ride at The Amazing Craftland theme park. But when something goes wrong, they wind up stranded in the middle of the Ocean Biome. After avoiding the Drowned and battling a flesh-eating Turtle, they are finally rescued. But their rescuers are pirates! Can Zombie and Steve escape, or will they be stuck as Cabin Mobs forever?
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Koala Books 2020
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Place a hold to request this item.Willems, Mo
Summary: Piggie is upset because a whale took the ball she found, but Gerald finds a solution that pleases all of them.
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Hyperion Books for Children, an imprint of Disney Book Group 2015