Summary: This moving dramatization of Tillie Olsen's frequently anthologized "I Stand Here Ironing" is an unvarnished exploration of an impoverished single mother's ambivalence toward her worth as a parent and her 19-year-old daughter's future. Rich in subtext, the highly metaphorical story-penned in a stark and dramatic fashion devoid of cliche and sentimentality-raises important questions about...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005
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Summary: Can you imagine? That woman went on for pages just about ironing. Standing there ironing! said an unimaginative judge about Tillie Olsen's short story, submitted in a competition for a fellowship at Stanford University. Olsen credits that fellowship, which she won, as the catalyst that transformed her back into a professional writer after 20 years of motherhood. In this interview conducted by...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2006