
Summary: This documentary examines the use of drugs and other substances in a quest for altered consciousness. Since the beginning of mankind, people have sought ways to reach a higher plane of existence and to that end have created rituals that included odd, toxic, and sometimes lethal substances. Ancient Drugs interviews psychologists, physicians, spiritualists, and historians to uncover the often...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 1998

View online at AVOD

Summary: Can art antagonize? Seduce? Inspire transformation? And if so, how might desires and taboos shape our ability to imagine? Fantasy, featuring contemporary artists Jeff Koons, Mary Heilmann, Florian Maier-Achen, and Cao Fei, explores a defiant and unconventional world of sculpture, painting, video and photography-a techno-inspired collection that is at times hallucinatory, irreverent, and...

Format: software, multimedia

Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2009

View online at AVOD

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