Summary: In the glamorous world of haute couture, marketing means fanfare, glitter, and VIPs. This program surveys the fashion industry's high-profile approach to image-marketing at the influential Dallas Fashion Awards; a Gucci store opening party in Milan; the elite ESCADA showroom in Dusseldorf; and a photo shoot in Berlin with renowned photographer Albert Watson. Branding, the use of supermodels to...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 2005
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Summary: The 1930s brought to all Americans the explosion of mass media devoted to distributing photographic images. Magazines like Life and Look—dedicated to telling stories, primarily through photographs—were rapidly growing in popularity. An Associated Press “wire photo” could be sent anywhere instantaneously, and suddenly, millions of people were seeing the same pictures at the same time. Through...
Format: software, multimedia
Publisher / Publication Date: Films Media Group 1999