Gilmore, Olesya Salnikova
Summary: "In this elegant gothic horror tale set in post-revolutionary Russia, two once aristocratic sisters race to uncover their family's long-buried secrets in a house haunted by a past that is dangerous--and deadly--to remember. It is the summer of 1921, and a group of Bolsheviks have taken over Irina and Lili Goliteva's ancestral home in Moscow, a stately mansion falling into disrepair and decay....
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Publisher / Publication Date: Berkley 2024
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1 available in Browsing Hot Titles, Call number: HOT TITLESaab, Gabriella
Summary: Russia 1917: Beautiful, educated Svetlana Petrova defied her stifling aristocratic family to join a revolution promising freedom. Now, released after years of imprisonment, she discovers her socialist party vying for power against the dictatorial Bolsheviks and her beloved uncle, a champion of her cause, was murdered by a mysterious assassin named Orlova. Her signature? Blinding her victims...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Harper Large Print, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers 2023
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1 available in Large Print, Call number: LP FIC SAAGoldberg, Paul
Summary: "A thrilling, witty, and slyly original Cold War mystery about a ragtag group of Jewish refuseniks in Moscow. On his wedding day in 1976, Viktor Moroz stumbles upon a murder scene: two gay men, one of them a US official, are axed to death in Moscow. Viktor, a Jewish refusenik, is stuck in Russia due to the government's denial of his application to leave for Israel; he sits "in refusal"...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Farrar, Straus and Giroux 2023
Copies Available at Peninsula
1 available in Adult, Call number: FIC GOLLichtarowicz, Paula
Summary: "Lena has lived a long, quiet life on her farm in Wales, alongside her husband and child. But as her end approaches, buried memories begin to return. Of her childhood in Poland, and her passion for science. Of the early days of her marriage, reluctant wife to an army officer. Of the birth of her daughter, whose arrival changed everything. Memories less welcome return, too. Her Polish village,...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Little, Brown and Company 2023