Enriquez, Mariana
Summary: "In 1981, a young father and son set out on a road trip across Argentina, devastated by the mysterious death of the wife and mother they both loved. United in grief, the pair travels to her family home near Iguazú Falls, where they must confront the horrific legacy she has bequeathed. For the woman they are grieving came from a family like no other--a centuries-old secret society called the...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Hogarth 2023
Copies Available at Kingsley
1 available in Adult Fiction, Call number: FIC ENREnriquez, Mariana
Summary: "Quien ose adentrarse en las páginas de este libro sentirá un escalofrío recorriéndole la espina dorsal, y algunas cosas más. Son doce cuentos de horror, doce relatos sobre el horror: sobre el mal que acecha y los monstruos que surgen de pronto en la realidad más cotidiana, en grandes urbes o pequeños pueblos recónditos. En uno de los cuentos, una mujer mantiene a raya a los fantasmas que andan...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Editorial Anagrama