Ragnar Jonasson
Summary: "Chilling, and complex, Nightblind is an extraordinary thriller from undeniable new talent Ragnar Jonasson. Ari Th©đr Arason: a local policeman, whose tumultuous past and uneasy relationships with the villagers in an idyllically quiet fishing village in Northern Iceland--where no one locks their doors--continue to haunt him. The peace of this close-knit community is shattered by the murder of a...
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Publisher / Publication Date: Minotaur Books 2017
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Place a hold to request this item.Ragnar Jónasson
Summary: "Young policeman Ari Thór tries to solve a 50-year-old murder when new evidence surfaces. But the case proves difficult in a town where no one wants to know the truth, where secrets are a way of life. He's assisted by Ísrún, a news reporter in Reykjavik who is investigating an increasingly chilling case of her own. Things take a sinister turn when a child goes missing in broad daylight. With a...
Format: text
Publisher / Publication Date: Minotaur Books 2019