
Summary: In a world where people are divided into distinct factions based on human virtues, Tris Prior is warned she is Divergent and will never fit into any one group. When she discovers a conspiracy by a faction leader to destroy all Divergents, Tris must learn to trust in the mysterious Four and together they must find out what makes being Divergent so dangerous before it's too late.

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2014

Copies Available at Woodmere

1 available in Action / Adventure DVDs, Call number: DVD + BLU-RAY ACTION/ADVENTURE DIV

1 hold on 3 copies

Summary: Everyone deserves a great love story, but for seventeen year old Simon Spier, it's a little more complicated. He hasn't told his family or friends that he's gay, and he doesn't know the identity of the anonymous classmate that he's fallen for online. Resolving both issues proves hilarious, terrifying and life changing.

Format: moving image

Publisher / Publication Date: 2018

Copies Available at Woodmere

2 available in Comedy DVDs, Call number: DVD COMEDY LOV

Copies Available at Fife Lake

1 available in Digital Video Disc, Call number: DVD LOV

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